• Loren


    Tax Mitigation

    & Wealth Specialist


    President of

    Sophic Wealth Group












    Loren’s passion is facilitating the success of others. He is a highly regarded consultant for financial advisors, CPAs, and Attorneys, throughout the United States.
    Having had the privilege of serving as a cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point, he is very patriotic and believes that as citizens we should pay every penny in tax we are obligated to….and not a penny more. As a result, he studies the U.S. tax code, together with the tax court cases, to ensure that his guidance is consistent with both the intent and the appropriate application of the tax code.
    He is also a life insurance specialist and a frequently sought presenter at financial seminars, conventions, and symposiums, including NAIFA (the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors), the Grant Taggert Symposium at BYU, and the Estate Planning Council of Northern Utah. His topics have included: Advanced Business Solutions, The Spectrum of Tax Mitigation Strategies, Captives and Private Re-insurance, Charitable Gifting, Roth Conversions and Alternatives, and Advanced Retirement Planning.
    Loren also serves on the board of directors for several non-profit and for-profit organizations and is grateful for his affiliation with NAIFA, MDRT, SIIA, HCAA, and WRCIC.
    He is an avid proponent of the “Producer Movement,” which emphasizes focusing our efforts on adding value to the lives of all those with whom we come in contact.
    Much to his chagrin, Loren is often introduced by his business associates as “The Smartest Guy I Know,” or “Our Resident Geek.” To his colleagues, a relationship with Loren is like having access to a CPA, attorney, actuary, doctor, financial advisor, therapist, and most of all, a dear friend.
    Ultimately, Loren finds great gratification in using his intellect and experience to create innovative solutions to the issues and challenges encountered by advisors and their clients.

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    Loren is a life insurance specialist and a frequently sought presenter at financial seminars, conventions, and symposiums, including NAIFA (the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors), the Grant Taggert Symposium at BYU, and the Estate Planning Council of Northern Utah. His topics have included: Advanced Business Solutions, The Spectrum of Tax Mitigation Strategies, Captives and Private Re-insurance, Charitable Gifting, Roth Conversions and Alternatives, and Advanced Retirement Planning.

  • Testimonials

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    Overview of consultation and financial management

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